Franklin County Idaho
Map - Rand McNalley 1924
Page updated February 2017 BATTLE CREEK, it seems needless to say,
was the setting for the Indian Massacre in 1863. The Utah Northern Railroad was
built to there in 1878 and it was made a division point in 1881. The place
seemed to just boom into a town almost overnight. The railroad company built
repair shops with an eight-stall round house to take care of the engines, and
company houses and buildings to house the foreman and employees with their
families. To look at the place and see it as it is today, we can hardly believe
that the town had once been of good size with a population of over one hundred.
Besides the railroad property, the town consisted of a store, which was owned by
Charles Paull, a hotel, an amusement hall, two saloons and about fifteen
dwellings. The first house in Battle Creek was built in 1877; a year before the
Railroad Company started to build up the town. John Winn, (known as "Uncle
John") built the first house, a one-room log cabin with a dirt roof. Just a
little later during the same year, Joseph Winn built a frame house. E. Brockway
built a house in 1877. SCHOOLS: After the railroad people came in,
Esther Winn taught a school free of charge in her own home, and any that wished
to come, young or old, were welcome. The first public school was taught. by Ida
McCoy in part of Charles Paull's store building. The people paid the tuition.
Some of the people in the town were latter-day Saints; however, there was no
church organization as the L. D. S. there belonged to the Riverdale ward. There
was a Sunday School organization with George Carter, Curtis Hadlock and Heber
Morrell In charge. A brass band was organized and conducted by a man named
Stewart. The town continued to grow until the year of 1886 when the Railroad
Company began moving their buildings to Eagle Rock, and in 1890 removed the
tracks. With the moving of the railroad property, the people moved along too. So
today there is no town at Battle Creek and just an average of five or six
families live there. When the farmers began to plow up the old battle grounds,
quite a number of relics were found, such as: old gun barrels, rusty knife
blades, some human bones, bows and arrow heads. One of the guns which was found
bad ...a bullet had just started into the muzzle, indicating that the one using
it had fallen dead before he had time to finish loading! These were testimonies
of the bloody conflict, which took place there.
(Taken from
THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
Bridgeport was located across the Bear River at the mouth of Deep
Creek, about two and one-half miles north and west of the present city of
As early as 1861, that
particular section was known as the Franklin Meadows where a number of people
came yearly to cut the wild hay growing there in abundance.
Later some of the people came for the purpose of farming and to build
homes or to look after the ferryboat.
The ferryboat was used for
the purpose of taking people, teams, wagons, and freight across the Bear River.
Nathan Packer had charge of the ferry.
This ferry was used until May 10, 1869 when the first bridge across the
Bear River was completed. It is not
impossible to imagine how thankful the people were with the erection of the
first bridge. No doubt “Old
Gentleman Bassett” felt a real thrill, as he was the first man with a team to
drive over the new bridge. This was
a toll bridge known as the “Packer Bridge.”
The station for the Overland
Stage and the mail route were also located at Bridgeport.
A change of horses for the coaches was made at this station.
Nelson Sill was the first stage driver.
The people who were living
there in 1865 with their families or parts of families were: William Davis,
Robert Holmes, Thomas Mendenhall, Joseph Nelson and Nathan Packer.
By 1866, these families were joined by David Carge, George Freestone,
James Frew, Christian Lynn, George Mendenhall, Orson Shipley, George Wheeler,
James Young and Mrs. Elvira Wheeler and her family.
These people lived in
dugouts and log houses with out flooring and dirt roof.
Two or three of these huts were built on the east bank of Bear River.
Mrs. Elvira Wheeler, a very
skillful nurse who looked after the sick and also served as a midwife, was a
very great help to the people.
A Latter-Day Saint ward was
organized there with George Washburn acting as presiding elder.
The meetings and social gatherings as well as day school sessions were
held in the homes of the people. (Taken
from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930) In
the west side of the valley, at the foot of a beautiful chain of the Wasatch
Mountains, lies the Village of Clifton. This town has a location that is
distinctive, due to its natural beauties, such as mountain streams, gurgling
into the green meadows beyond. Clifton was named for the many jagged cliffs in
the nearby canyons. The village was first settled in 1864, but not permanently
until 1869. The first settlers were pioneers from Franklin, Idaho. They were
allotted small portions of land under the "Squatter's" right, as the
government had not as yet surveyed the land. The first settlers were: Thomas C.
D. Howell and wife, Sarah; Jason Howell and wife, Jane M.; Henry N. Howell and
wife, Lydia; Nathaniel and Thomas Parritt and families; William Pratt and wife,
Alice; Thomas Mendenhall and wife, Louise; Ransom Van Leuven; William Billingsly;
Martin Henderson, Sr.; Wm. Marler; Henry Harmon, John Sperry and families.
William G. Nelson lived at Oxford and was the first presiding Elder over the
Oxford and Clifton wards. He was called to Arizona and George Lake was appointed
to take his place. William Pratt was the first bishop of Clifton. Jane M.
Howell, familiarly known as "Aunt Jane" deserves special mention
because of her devotion and untiring efforts in behalf of the sick. Although she
had taken but a short course in obstetrics, she held the record of having but
one death in 500 confinements. Regardless of the weather conditions, day or
night, she would go long distances, even to Gentile Valley in all sorts of
conveyances on her errands of mercy for she received comparatively nothing for
her services. The
settlers first lived in a fort at Oxford for protection from the Indians and
would travel back and forth to their land in Clifton where they engaged in
farming, dairying and stock raising. The first house in Clifton was a small log
cabin built by Henry N. Howell and it was moved from Oxford. The first Relief
Society President was Alice Pratt with Jane M. Howell and Elizabeth B. Howell as
Counselors. Elizabeth B. Howell still resides in Clifton and has the distinction
of being the only survivor of the ship "Brooklyn" which sailed from
Boston to San Francisco, in 1846. John Sant, Sr., was the first Sunday School
Superintendent. Martin Henderson was President of the first Mutual Improvement
Association, effective July 15, 1877, with Riley Davis First and John S. Bingham
as Second Counselor and Samuel G. Martin as Secretary. The Y. W. M. I. A. was
first presided over by Delilah E. Dudley, President, and Lucetta Marler First
and Susan Harmon, Second Counselors. The first Primary Association at Clifton
was presided over by Harriet Henderson, President and Lucinda Monroe, First and
Elizabeth Bingham, Second Counselors. Sarah
Cardon managed the first store at Oxford for the Relief Society and goods were
brought from there to Clifton. The Relief Society kept a small store at Clifton
for a short time. Susan Harmon managed it. The supplies in the Relief Society
stores were hauled by team from Ogden. Other early storekeepers were Harvey
Dixon and John Sant. Large quantities of supplies were bought from freighters.
John Den and French Joe were also early merchants. Henry N. Howell, who was
among the first school teachers in Franklin to teach in the first school
building in Idaho, was also the first teacher at Clifton in the log school house
and later in his own home in the Rushville District. (North of the Clifton
Ward). Brigham S. Dudley was also an early teacher. The principal forms of
amusement were home dramatics and dances, which were rounded out by the good
old-fashioned picnic. H.
Henderson was the first white child born In Clifton. She was born September 14,
1869. The first death was a child of Ed Bassett's. The first missionaries sent
from Clifton were John S. Bingham, who went to New Zealand and R. C. Van Leuven,
who went to the Southern States. The first postmaster was Henry N. Howell. The
first blacksmith was Dan Robins. Although
the inhabitants of Clifton were handicapped for many years in developing the
natural resources, due to unsuccessful irrigation projects, lack of proper
transportation and poor markets, the village now enjoys a period of comparative
prosperity. The rich soil produces excellent returns in sugar beets, alfalfa and
grain. The dairy business is thriving, owing to the excellent pasturage and many
are also engaged in the poultry business. Today Clifton has about four hundred
and fifty people residing there. Just to the east of the town is the Twin Lakes
reservoir which stores water for irrigating some 13,000 acres. Also just out of
town on the highway the Clifton Cheese Factory is forging ahead steadily. Dry
and irrigated farming are bringing success and prosperity to the district. (Taken from
THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930) Dayton
a town of about two hundred inhabitants, located across Bear River, west and
about five miles from Preston. Is
now a productive center for sugar beets, alfalfa, dairying and poultry.
Settlers: -- This town was settled first by Joseph Chadwick, who settled on Five
Mile Creek in 1867. He built a log
house, which is still standing. Shortly
afterwards he was joined by Peter Poole, Robert Taylor, Stephen Callan and
Richard Wickham.
Name: --The place was first called “Chadville” then “Five Miles” (it
being just five miles from Weston and five miles from Clifton.)
It was later called Dayton.
First Born: -- The boy and girl having the honor of being the first-born were
Alfred Wickham and Sarah Spackman.
Business Houses: -- Joseph Chadwick, the first settler, opened up a supply store
in the north room of his home for the accommodation of the few settlers and
freights going through. The next to
open up places for buiness were: F. B. Wooley, Phillips and Atkinson, Paul
Larsen, Doren Perkins and P. Jones.
Postmasters: --The following have served as postmasters: Garett Campbell, Niels
Michelson, F.O. Hales, and J. H. Schow, B. A. Johnson and Mary Smith.
Buildings: -- The settlers
first belonged to the Weston ward, presided over by Bishop Henry Jensen.
A log house was brought from Weston to Dayton and served for meetings and
school. Miss Annie Boden served as
the schoolteacher in the log house.
This log building was soon
replaced by a two-room frame building, which served as a community center, until
1909, when the present L.D.S. church was built (recently the building was
remodeled and provided with class rooms, and a modern heating system).
In 1914, a modern six-room
school building was erected; it is provided with a full basement providing a
As the number of settlers
increased the town was organized into a ward.
Stephen Callan was appointed to act as the first presiding elder.
The bishops in their order were. Philo W. Austin, S. J. Callan, Alma L.
Hansen and Charles Jones.
The first Relef Society was
organized with Mrs. Louise Boyce as President.
Mrs. Sarah P. Callan was President of the Y.M.M.I.A., and Luna Nelson
Chadwick, President of the first primary. (Taken
from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
Commencing in the winter of 1869 P. D. Griffeth, Sr., and G. A.
Griffeth, Sr., hauled the lumber to build the first house that was built in
Fairview. Located on the Sim Inglet farm. The following spring April 12, 1870,
Sarah Gibson Griffeth, wife of P. D. Griffeth, came with her two children to
make her home here. They lived in a covered wagon until their one-room house was
built. They fenced a garden spot below the little spring and planted a garden.
The fence was made of willows. They lived here in the summer and herded cattle
and sheep, then they would go to their home in Hyde Park, Utah for the winter
until 1872 when the Griffeth's made Fairview their permanent home. By this time,
other settlers had come. They were William, James, and Robert Bodily. Joseph
Hall, Jeff Wilcox and Joseph Allred with their families.
The first baby girl born in Fairview was the daughter of Robert
Bodily and Harriet Roberts Bodily. Born November 24, 1872. The first boy born
was the son of Joseph Allred and Noami Harvey Allred born February 1873.
The first death in Fairview was Sarah Talbot Bodily, wife of
William Bodily. She died of childbirth October 8, 1873, giving her life in
exchange for a little girl and was buried in the Hyde Park Cemetery, as there
was no cemetery for Fairview at that time.
The first body buried in the Fairview cemetery was Walter E.
Rawlings, the three-year-old son of James and Eliza J. Rawlings. He was buried
March 16, 1890.
The first school was taught by Clysta Strickland in her own home.
The first public school was held in a building, which Joseph Hall built on his
homestead intending to use it for a stable. About the time it was finished there
was a great need for a schoolhouse so he invited them to use his new stable for
this purpose. This school was taught by Urmina Griffeth. A new schoolhouse was
built in the winter of 1876-77 by donation from the settlers and it was used as
a public gathering place both religiously and socially. Amelia Drury was the
first teacher in the School House.
The winters were long and cold with a great deal of snow and the
summers were dry with frequent frosts. Year after year, the men planted grain
and did not harvest any on account of the unfavorable weather. The men had to go
away from home to work. The most of the land was sandy and would blow when
plowed, but it was covered with an abundance of wild grasses, which the people
cut and used for hay. These conditions made it favorable for cattle rising.
The Fairview ward formed a part of Lewiston ward until the
organization of Oneida Stake and was known as Upper Lewiston, with James Bodily
acting as presiding Elder. A Sunday School with thirty members was organized by
Bishop W. H. Lewis in August 1881. The Young Men’s Mutual Improvement
Association was organized November 22, 1881; Heman Hyde was appointed to act as
president. May 18, 1883, the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association was
organized with Mary A. Harrick as president. This organization had fifteen
members. Primary was organized with Jane D. Hyde as president in 1883.
On July 9, 1883, a post office was established with W. J.
Underwood as postmaster. This necessitated naming the place. The name
"Fairview" was suggested by James Egbert because of such a wonderful view of
all the surrounding country and the Logan Temple could easily be seen on clear
The ward was organized July 20, 1884, Heman Hyde was chosen as
bishop with James Bodily and James C. Taylor as his counselors. On August 30, of
this, same year the Relief Society was organized with Louisa Bodily President.
The first business establishment was Roberts Bodily's
black smith shop.
The first store was built by a group of men about 1890 and
was managed by John Corbridge, afterwards bought by M. W. Pratt.
Some of the sturdy, progressive people who came in a little
later than those already spoken of and whose descendants, some of who still
live in Fairview are the Bronsons, Coles, Choules, Egberts, Gilberts, Hyde’s,
Inglets, Rawlings, Smiths, Taylor’s.
As the years have rolled by, many changes have taken place in the
town of Fairview, both in an ecclesiastical and temporal way. So far, the
changes have all been for the best and a means of making this part of the county
a thriving community.
Today the town has a good electric lighting system, telephones,
electric car service, and a water system. A new store has recently been erected
and a service station takes care of the needs of the automobilists.
The school is good and the people are thoroughly enjoying the use
of a most excellent, modern L. D. S. chapel-finished during the summer of 1926.
It seems however, that the outstanding feature of the Fairview
district is that it does not have any poor people in the community. The reason
for this, no doubt, is the fact that some of the richest farming land in this
country is found right in Fairview where the farmers have more than an abundance
of irrigation water. This abundance of water is made possible by the use of a
pumping station on Bear River, and the Lewiston canal.
The soil is very rich and with the help of plenty of water it
makes possible a very heavy production of beets and other agricultural products.
Dairying and poultry raising are also flourishing industries in
this community.
The Fairview people believe in getting what they want and they
know too, that the only way to get it is to go after it. For awhi1e they didn't
have all the water they wanted for culinary purposes, so they got busy and have
just finished an eight hundred and fifty foot well, which with the aid of an
automatic electric pump throws 500 gallons a minute and supplies them with all
the extra water that they need.
Fairview beckons to
the agriculturists. (Taken
from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930) In the spring of 1860 five
companies, from Provo, Payson, Slaterville, Kayscreek and Bountiful, left Utah
and came to Franklin in search of new homes. Most of these people belonged to
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one of the policies of which
was to expand and settle new territory. Many of then had been advised by Brigham
Young, their leader, to settle on the "Muddy" now Cub River, in the
northeastern part of Cache Valley. This was then thought to be part of Utah. The
first company came in the first part of April, they camped for a short time in
Camp Cove and explored around to see where best to settle. While there their
numbers increased, as others came to join them, on the 14th of April, they broke
camp and moved to the present site of Franklin, Idaho, which is located one mile
north of the Utah-Idaho line, on the Yellowstone Highway. To view the names of
the first families, click here: FIRST
FAMILIES. Peter Maughan, the presiding Bishop of Cache Valley, appointed
Thomas Smart, S.R. Parkinson and James Sanderson to take charge of affairs in
the colony while in Cove, both temporal and spiritual. The Indians in the
vicinity of Franklin at the time of its settlement were under Chief Kittemere,.
from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
The little town of Mapleton is situated about ten
miles east of Preston in Franklin County Idaho. Cub River a beautiful mountain
stream winds its way through the settlement (From this canyon the surrounding
towns are supplied with culinary and Irrigation water.)
The first settle in Mapleton was Joseph Perkins, who moved from
Franklin Idaho in 1874 and built a home about where the Henry Bennett home is
now located.
The early settlers of Mapleton noticed a well-beaten trail along
the Cub River up through the canyon; this was the old Indian Trail, over which
bands of Indians made their annual journey to and from the Buffalo hunting
grounds In Wyoming and frequent trips to Franklin and other parts of Cache
Valley. This trail, parts of which can be seen to this day pass about five rods
north of Mapleton's new meeting house.
The hills and mountains of Mapleton made an excellent summer
range. Cattle were driven to this place from as far south as Plain City, Utah as
well as near by settlements.
The first house on the north side of the river was built near a
little spring just north of the present location of the meetinghouse. Andrew
Morrison was the builder during the year 1876.
Early in April 1877 Harrison A. Thomas of Smithfield, Utah, took
a small company of men up on Cub River where the ranger station now is, here,
by the use of the board ax, railroad ties were made from the timber in the pine
These ties were floated down Cub River into Bear River and on
down that stream to Corinne, Utah, near where the Bear River empties into the
Great Salt Lake. Orin J. Merrill was foreman of these drives. Many ties were
also hauled out by teams and oxen.
Later in the same year (1877) a sawmill was built on the ranger
station flat by a company composed of the following men Harrison A. Thomas,
Thomas Hillyard, Preston L. Morehead and Samuel Roskelly. About fifty men were
employed and thousands of ties were sawed and floated down the stream the next
About 1879 Andrew Morrison sold his land claim to II. A. Thomas
who homesteaded the land upon which the new meetinghouse and school house now
In the year 1881 Harrison A. Thomas made a ditch from Cub River
through which he brought water to his home and farm. This ditch was enlarged to
a millrace and later on, negotiations were made by James Chadwick and Joseph
Morrison of Whitney to continue the ditch on to Whitney.
In addition to the names already mentioned some of the early
settlers of Mapleton were Mark Porter, Abraham Foster, George Giles, Lorin
Corbin, James Morehead, Hyrum Johnson, Charles sweet, Elmer Rose, Owen Roberts,
Lamonia Taylor, Nathan Hawkes, Dave Davis, Calvin Wheeler, Archibald Stephenson,
Edward Whittle, Henry Day, Christian Nuffer, Fred Nuffer, George Kent, Sr. and
George Kent Jr. Samuel A. Merrill.
About the year 1881 a branch of the Franklin Ward was organized
in Mapleton, it was then called St. Joseph in honor of Joseph Perkins the first
settler. (The name was later changed because of another St. Joseph in the
state). The Franklin Bishopric was in attendance at this meeting. Joseph
Perkins was appointed presiding elder and Joseph H. Thomas was appointed
superintendent of the Sunday School with Isah Bennett as Secretary.
In the year 1888 Mapleton ward was organized with Edward Perkins
as Bishop, Orrin J. Merrill and Heber Taylor, counselors and Hyrum Johnson
Superintendent of the Sunday School.
The first Relief Society president was Harriet Perkins with
Eliza Taylor and Lenora Taylor as counselors. In 1897 a Primary was organized
with Elizabeth Merrill as President and Lenora Taylor and Mary Titensor as
Some of the early schoolteachers were Miss Woods, Nellie E. T.
Johnson and Della M. Chadwick.
About 1898 a post office was opened with Elizabeth Merrill as
post mistress and Charles Sweet as mail carrier. The office was at the home of
Orrin J. Merrill; this office was kept in operation until the coming of the
rural delivery.
from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
Nestled in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains, about fifteen
miles northeast of Preston is Mink Creek, a settlement of some 500 prosperous
farmers. Dry farming, dairying, lumbering, sheep and cattle ranching are the
chief activities responsible for the good homes and prosperity of this region.
the year 1871 Janus M. Keller and his sons Theodore, William, and James of
Mantua, Utah settled on the Strawberry Creek (The north part of the present town
site of Mink Creek.) There they built a log cabin with a dirt roof, also a log
stable. Enough of the wild hay was cut with the scythe to supply the animals
with food during the winter.
After the cabin was built and the hay in for the winter, Mr.
Keller returned to Mantua, leaving William aged fourteen and James aged twelve
to look after the claim. During the latter part of December, the child James
became so homesick that he returned to Mantua (a sixty mile hike) thus leaving
William to face loneliness and the rigors of winter alone. Imagine if you can
the isolation of the boy who’s nearest neighbors where over fourteen miles away
south, over rugged mountains. William remained alone with the stock until April
1872. In the meantime he had more than one unusual experience the most
thrilling of which was in March when Mr. Bruin looked in at the window curious
to find out who his new neighbor was that had come during his hibernation.
The long siege of loneliness was broken when William had the
great pleasure of welcoming his mother and other members of the family the early
part of April 1872. They brought with them some household goods, food supplies,
two small pigs, a crate of chickens, a few cows and some sheep.
In the spring of 1873, Theodore Keller and Christena Larson were
married. These people with the father-in-law, Hans Larson and his family, came
into this district seeking homes and each built a log cabin. By 1874 there were
five heads of families here. Rasmus Rasmussen and Hans L. Nelson having come
with their families to increase the number.
PRESIDING ELDER: - Under the direction of Brigham Young
Jr. and P. M. Musser of Salt Lake City, a special meeting was held in the home
of Hans Larson, September 10, 1876, Rasmus Rasmussen was chosen to take charge
of the affairs of the little colony. At the same time, the name of Mink Creek
Branch was given to this district.
July 18, 1877, Moses
Thatcher, William B. Preston and M. D. Hammond of Logan, Utah visited the branch
and directed the organization of a ward. Rasmus Rasmussen was appointed bishop
with Theodore O. Keller and Jacob Jensen as his counselors. A bowery had been
built for this special occasion where the meeting could be held. The people were
advised by Moses Thatcher to build a meetinghouse. Following his suggestions,
logs were hauled from the mountains nearby in 1877 and by 1878 a log
meetinghouse was completed. The building, 24 x 18 feet, had a dirt roof and
slabs were used for benches. The slabs and finishing lumber were hauled from
FIRST BIRTH: - Lewis O. Keller was the first child born in this
community, April 27th, 1875.
RELIEF SOCIETY: - The first Relief Society was organized. On
April 16, 1878. Christena Keller, Emma Rasmussen and Christena Peterson were
appointed as executives with Katherine Keller as secretary and Christena Nelson
Y. M. M. I. A: - Organized March 17, 1878, Jacob Jensen
president, Janues Keller and Hans Rasmussen assistants with William Keller
SUNDAY SCHOOL: - The first Sunday School on record was organized
December 19, 1880 with Hans Rasmussen superintendent, Andrew A. Bjorn and Mads
Hansen assistants, Nels Graham secretary. A catechism was used and tickets
distributed for the first few years. (Here is just a bit of information
concerning the early gatherings: the males and females were kept separated; the
men sat on the north side of the room, and the women on the south side. The boys
and girls met in separate classes.)
The Y. L. M. I. A. was organized January 14, 1882 with Christena
Keller, Minnie Eskelson, Emelia Bjorn and Stena Peterson executive officers.
PRIMARY: - The first primary was organized January 14, 1882. Emma
Rasmussen, Stena Nelson, Kathrine Larson, Anna Larsen and Karen Sorenson were
appointed as executive officers.
FIRST MISSIONARY: - Rasmus Rasmussen was the first missionary
called out of Mink Creek that was in 1886. Rasmus Peterson had charge of the
ward while Mr. Rasmussen was away.
THRESHING: - During the earliest years in this section, the grain
was threshed with a flail. The roller was also used, a team was hitched to a
log, which had been built into framework, and this was run over the grain on the
threshing floor, which had been made smooth, with clay mortar. After the grain
was beaten or rolled from the husks, it was thrown against the wind allowing the
light chaff to blow away from the grain.
In the year 1877, James M. Keller brought the first mower and
dropper combined. The bunch grass was cut wherever it was smooth enough to run a
mower. The first thresher was brought in 1878.
INDUSTRIES: - Each family was provided with a spinning wheel,
which was used for making yarn. Some looms were used to make the wool into
cloth. The sheep shearing was mostly done by the women folks, generally wherever
the women were; they kept their knitting needles busily clicking.
HARVESTING: - The grain was cut with the scythe and bound by hand
as described elsewhere in our history.
MAIL: - During the first few years the mail was sent and
received at Franklin. The settlers would drive in there for their supplies,
and take the mail back to Mink Creek where it was distributed at the dances or
POST OFFICE: - The first regular post office was established in
1878 with James M. Keller postmaster and William Keller assistant. Joseph Stone
was the mail carrier from Franklin. No doubt the weekly mail delivery day was
the big event of the week. Today it is carried from Preston by a rural Mail
carrier each day.
OFFICERS: - The first voting precinct was founded in 1887 with
Nels Graham appointed as the first Justice of the Peace.
SCHOOLS: - Because of the homes being so far apart, there were
two' schools opened up in the fall of 1878. Hans Rasmussen taught in the
meetinghouse and Charlotte Keller taught in a log cabin about two miles north of
the first meeting and schoolhouse. The teachers were paid by taxing each child
at the rate of fifty cents a term (three months). Anna Keller was the next to
teach. She taught during the school year of 1882-83 and was the first teacher in
Mink Creek holding a teacher's certificate. The school district was established
in 1882.
from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
PRESTON, the county seat, banking and commercial center of
Franklin County, with a population of about 3500 is located in the upper end of Cache Valley. Situated on an eminence two hundred feet
above the rest of the valley, Preston enjoys a remarkable temperate
climate all seasons. In the early sixties this flat, now known as Preston, was covered
with wild grasses, dotted here and there with cattle from the
neighboring towns. Many of the Franklin settlers would come here and cut the grass with a
scythe, rake it with their home made .wooden hand rakes and haul it in
for hay. (This was the only kind of hay available for a number of
years.) The place where they cut most of their grass or wild hay was
spoken of as the “North or Head Meadows.” How ever, there was an
abundance of the wild native grasses growing all over the flat for a
number of years until it was killed out by the numerous cattle and sheep
that were allowed to roam freely about a few years later. CATTLE: The early comers found numerous head of cattle and sheep that
had been brought here from Farmington, Utah and vicinity by Stoddard
and Potter. These cattle ranged from Head’s Meadows on the East to the
Winn Bottoms on Bear River west of Preston. The headquarters of
Stoddard and Potter were at the Webster Ranch in the town now known as
Glendale. William Head, and part of his family as they were the first settlers
here, used his squatter’s right in 1866 and located on the present
site of the Johnson Brothers’ farm, east of Preston. Here Mr. Head cut
and preserved the native grasses. For a few years, the early settlers did not remain on their claims
during the entire year. Speaking of this unsettled condition and other
things Mr. Henry Head says: “Father would move mother and the smaller
children to Franklin for the winter months in order that the children
might attend school.” He said also that they made a great deal of butter
and cheese. The cattle which they raised were used for freighting. At
one time they owned ninety head of cattle which they had raised. It is
interesting to compare the selling price of cattle today with those of
earlier years when a large three or four year old steer would bring only
six dollars. FREIGHTING: During the summer months, the older boys with others did
considerable freighting to Montana from Corinne, Utah, before 1874, and
from Franklin after 1874, and from Dunville after 1878. One man would generally handle nine yoke of oxen and three wagons.
The freight which they hauled consisted of all kinds of hardware, brick,
molasses, and clothing. At one time Mr. Head hauled sixty barrels of
whiskey. After the Head and Winn families came, other settlers continued to
come to the flat to make their homes. (The names of the heads of these
families who came during the early years are listed under the heading
“Schools and First Settlers.”) FIRST HOMES: In 1866, William Head built the first home, a two roomed
log house. John Winn built a herd cabin in 1867 which was used during
the herding season. This cabin was located just north and west of what
is now the A. W. Hart home, on Bear river. That part was then known as
the Winn Bottoms. John’s father, Dennis W. Winn, built a home in May
1868. It was a frame building 32×16 feet. At the present time, this same
house is owned by Francis Beckstead and is located on the State
Highway, about one mile south and east of Preston proper it is within
the city limits. HARDSHIPS AND PLAGUES:—Speaking of hardships of those early pioneers,
there are many things which might be told other than those mentioned in
various places throughout this history. This younger generation cannot
conceive of the greatness of the settlers’ problems and the suffering
endured in their effort to make this desolate flat habitable. (Readers, in your fancy just step back fifty or sixty years and get a
vision of the great herds of deer and antelope grazing idly on the prairies of grass growing abundantly here. Imagine pioneer cabins dotting
the landscape here and there with nothing to break the vast stillness
other than the frequent bark of the coyote, the song of the cuckoo in
the evening and the call of the mourning dove in the morning.) Those early winters were very long and extremely cold. The settlers
of course had no coal to burn and with the wood which they had to burn,
it was impossible to keep the homes comfortable. Even when the weather
was not so extremely cold, the windows of the cabins would be covered
with a heavy frost for weeks at a time. It was nothing uncommon for
fruit, vegetables and water to freeze solid right in the houses. The
winter of 1876 and 1879 was extremely severe and most of the cattle
died. The people made every possible effort to save their milk cows
which were so necessary. Straw was hauled from Richmond and Smithfield, a
distance of twenty miles, and sold for as high as fifteen dollars a
load. The people even tore the straw roofs off from the sheds for the
cattle to eat. A little instance is recalled, when David Jensen, on his return trip
from Salt Lake City in 1876 reached Franklin (then the terminus of the
railroad) he walked to Preston over three feet of crusted snow. CROPS:—The possibility of having a full crop at the close of a
harvest season was questionable, not only because of frequent droughts
but the crickets, grasshoppers, and rabbits frequently ate up nearly
everything the people tried to grow during those first few years. Then
too, late and early frosts were not uncommon. The soil was tilled, first with hand plows drawn by horses or oxen.
Different kinds of grain were planted, the seed was thrown broadcast and
harrowed under. A hand cradle was first used for cutting the grain;
later a side rake or reaper driven by horses was used. IRRIGATION:—Many difficulties presented themselves, among them was
the problem of irrigation of the dry and apparently stubborn soil. This
problem was finally mastered after years of hard toil with hand labor
and the use of the simple shovel and plow, which made possible the
distribution of water to the farms through irrigation ditches. The first settlers took early water out of Worm Creek to water a little hay and grain on the east side. CUB RIVER AND WORM CREEK CANAL:—David Jenkins, from Salt Lake Valley
was hired to survey the ditch. He discovered that water could be brought
over the divide from Cub River into Worm Creek. Organizing with David
Jensen, William Head, Thomas Heller and Joseph Clayton as directors, a
company set to work and completed the ditch in 1881. So on July 4, when
the water was turned in, the whole community assembled at .the head of
the ditch for a big celebration and a time of rejoicing. Because the
possibility of successful irrigation meant food to eat and a home. While the people were celebrating a group of people, led by Thomas
Heller followed the water all the way from the intake cleaning out
weeds and reinforcing any weak places. When they seen the water would
run over the hill into the Worm Creek, they all took off their hats and
gave the “Hosannah” shout three times. Even with the completion of the ditch, the difficulty was not solved.
A short time after the water was turned in a portion of the hill about
two miles from the head of the ditch in Mapleton slid out, taking the
ditch with it. The settlers were not discouraged, but set to work and
soon had it in running order again. Time and time again the ditches
would slide out, but undaunted these brave men would repair again and
again. MINK CREEK CANAL:—In 1888, the Mink Creek Canal was surveyed and work
started on it. Many struggles and hardships were endured while making
these ditches and trying to keep the water from washing out the banks.
Even up to later dates, it was not an uncommon occurrence for the lower
bank of the canal to go out, oftimes taking the road with it. AMUSEMENTS:—In 1877, the forms of recreation were not so varied as
they might have been, however, after talking with some of those earlier
pioneers, one feels that there is something of the true spirit of
enjoyment lacking in our modern pursuits which abounded in those simpler
forms of amusement and entertainments. The weekly meetings were looked forward to as a, means of diversion
as well as the trips to the canyons during the fruit season where the
various members of families eagerly filled their baskets with service
berries, wild gooseberries and red and yellow currants. Frequently friends met together in one of the humble homes to make
candy with molasses. It was not an uncommon practice to move the
furniture back and dance to the lively tunes from the accordion, or if
that instrument was not available, one or more expert players of comb
music or whistlers would play the old time square dances the so-called
round dances were considered indecent. DANCES:—The only light at the dances was the candle or coal oil lamp.
The music here .too was from a comb played with thin paper over it, the
Jews’ harp, mouth organ and accordion, it it were possible to obtain
one. In 1878, the pioneers had their first real dance music which
consisted of two violins played by two brothers, Nels and Soren
Peterson. Others who furnished music were Edward Clayton, George and
John Taylor who each played an accordion and mouth organs. Edward Clayton was always on hand to lead the people in community
singing. He used a tuning fork to get the pitch. Nels Petersen was also
a good song leader. William Gibbons and Alfred Willhelm were two of
the early choir leaders also. Later Otto Johnson was appointed as leader
of the church choir which he conducted for many years. He used the
baton. Bertha Montague played the organ as the accompanist for many
years. Public dances for newlyweds were quite common. The first dance of
this kind held in the old school house was given in honor of the
marriage of Soren Petersen and Louise Spongberg. This old school house
was the scene of many lively times. The community Christmas tree and
program was an event, anticipated with much enthusiasm and interest.
Other than the meeting and school house, the first amusement hall was
built by Charles Hobbs on Second South and State streets during the year
1886. This building was a two story structure; the upper floor was used
for amusements and Mr. Hobbs had a confectionery in the lower part.
Later it was moved to Third South and State streets where it still
stands but has been added to and is now used by the Johnson &
Merrill Coal Company. OPERA HOUSE:—During the year 1892 Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Montague and
others presented the play, “Knobs Will Turn Him Out.” It proved so much
of a success that W. C. Parkinson gave a short talk after the
performance, saying that there was enough talent in the community to
warrant the building of an opera house. That play and Mr. Parkinson’s
talk were the incentives which brought about the building of the present
Opera House which was built under the direction of the L. D. S. Stake
authorities who still have control of it. It has been used for all kinds
of amusements, and church gatherings. Phil Margetts managed the first
“mask ball” held in the Opera House. (Uncle Phil is still with us). PICTURES:—In the very early days, a man by the name of Handcock came
through the country with a panorama. These pictures were usually shown
at the home of Bishop Porter where the children happily gathered in
groups awaiting the appearance of the pictures. Among the first to
entertain the people with slide pictures were William Kirkup and James
Challis of Franklin who owned a lantern slide machine. Daniels and
Marrom operated the first picture show in a building located where the
Oak Theatre is at present. The first dancing school was taught by Baltzer Peterson, who at the
present time is the owner and manager of a most attractive and modern
dancing pavilion, known as the “Persiana.” BAND:—T. A. Montague was responsible for the organization of the
first brass band in Preston. It was organized in 1893 as the Young Men’s
Mutual Band. The members were: (Cap.) D. C. Curtis, Hyrum Tippets,
Harry Hurbert, E. T. Clayton, Nephi Larson, Edward Shaffer, George
Shaffer, W. A. Head, William A. Fellows, Peter Ericksen, James Bosworth,
Phil Margetts and Peter Jensen. Prof. L. D. Edwards was also leader of
another band at this time, so Preston had plenty of public music for a
few years. READING-:—The pioneers’ supply of reading material was very limited.
Current magazines and newspapers were practically unknown except in a
very few of the homes. The best known magazines were the “Woman’s
Exponent” and “Comfort.” The newspaper was the “Desert News,” published
in Salt Lake City once a week. The most common books had such titles as
“Jane Eyre,” “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” “Bible,” “Book of Mormon,” and
“Doctrine and Covenants.” MISCELLANEOUS:—Horse back riding was considered the greatest sport of
all for quite a number of years. Baseball was a favorite sport which
was enjoyed Saturday afternoons on the Public Square where our beautiful
park is now located. The May Day celebrations were also outstanding events. All the people
gathered down on the river bottoms or other interesting places, took
their lunches, enjoyed sports of various kinds—all in all it was a day
full of interest and rejoicing. The most exciting and entertaining part
about it all of course was the choosing and crowning the “Queen of the
May.” CHURCH AND CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS: The first meeting house was a little log, dirt roofed school house
that stood on the south end of Soren Petersen’s farm at the top of the
hill, across Worm Creek. Mrs. Mary Heller was the first school teacher
in that building. (We shall have more to say in the article “Schools”
about the first settlers and schools). When the branch was organized, it
was called “Worm Creek Branch.” The organization was effected at a
Seventies meeting held at Franklin in the early spring of 1877. E. R.
Lawrence was appointed presiding elder with William Garrison as musical
director. (We must pause here to tell just a little bit about Mr.
Garrison’s manner of conducting the singing. He seemed to have a rather
keen sense of humor for when the singers pitched their voices too high,
he would sing out “upstairs” if too low, he would growl, “in the
cellar.” The singers knew what he meant whether it were possible for
them to change or not.)
RELIEF SOCIETY:—Mary Ann Hull was appointed president of the Relief
Society and Amanda Shumway secretary. The meetings were held in the
homes of the members! and most of them in the home of Ann Lundegren, as
her home was the most centrally located. DOINGS OF THE RELIEF SOCIETY: (Leaves from old albums) The question is often asked what the Relief Society ladies did in the
early days, in their meetings and social activities, and who they were.
So here is some information given by some of them: They held their meetings in the homes of the people every two weeks,
from David Jensen’s on the north to Wm. Handy’s on the south. Their
territory included all of the district that the six wards of Preston now
covers, also Whitney and Glendale. The programs consisted of bearing their testimonies, reading the
“Exponent,” making quilts, knitting and gathering wheat, and above all
they visited and helped those in need. Not only ‘Would they visit those in need, but they would share their
products from the farm and stay for days and sometimes weeks at a time
helping the sick. The Relief Society women generally assisted with every baby that came
to this part of the country, as the nearest doctor lived in Logan and
the wagon was the main conveyance. Our informers tell us that when Mr. Lund and family moved here, she
and another lady took their knitting and went up to welcome them. Mrs.
Lund could not speak English and the other women could not understand
Danish, but undaunted, they sat and smiled at each other and knitted
nearly all afternoon. Before they left they placed their arms around
each other and mingled their tears with their kisses. Out of the twenty-four who were enrolled in this organization there
are but seven of them living now, four of them near here. They are Mary
A. Hull of Whitney, Matilda O. Millard and Christina S. Nielsen of the
First ward and Sarah J. Alder of the Fifth ward. They enrolled all who
wished to join including girls of fourteen years of age. This
organization was effected at the home of Charles Shumway in May, 1877. WARD:—October 21st, 1879, the Cache Stake Presidency from Logan held a
special meeting with the members of the Worm Creek Branch, at the home
of Lucy Sabins. They organized the branch into what was known as the
“Worm Creek Ward.” E. R. Lawrence was released as presiding elder and
Nahun Porter was appointed to succeed him. Later at a Seventies’ meeting
held at Franklin, Nahun Porter was set apart as Bishop of the Worm
Creek ward. November 30, of that same year (1879) David Jensen was
appointed first and Elum Hollingsworth as second counselors and Israel
West, ward clerk. May 14, 1881. a special meeting was called and held in
the school house, the name of the ward was changed to Preston. (Mrs.
Rachel Porter had the privilege of suggesting the name in honor of
Bishop William B. Preston), as the L. D. S. Church authorities objected
to having the name “worm” connected with anything pertaining to the
church. After the organization of the ward or on December 15th, 1879, Rachel
Porter, Serena Jensen, Anna Lundgreen, Mary Heller and Jennie Wilcox
were chosen as executive officers of the Relief Society. SUNDAY SCHOOLS:—In 1877 a Sunday School was organized under the
direction of the Worm Creek branch with David Jensen in charge. The
Sunday Schools were held in the homes of the people. Joseph S. Sharp
and Jimmy Young had charge of a Sunday School after 1878 or until 1880
when David Jensen, J. S. Sharp, Alfred Kershaw and Elhum Hollingsworth
secretary had charge of a Sunday School held in the school house. Alice
Hebdon was chorister in the Sunday Schools for a number of years. The first Y. L. M. I. A. was organized December 22, 1881 with Annie
Spongberg, president, Margaret Porter and Sarah Jensen as Counselors,
Elizabeth Shaffer secretary and Elizabeth Kershaw treasurer. First missionary from the ward was Samuel Head. First foreign
missionaries were Peter Jensen, John Larson, Jr., and Thos. Sponberg. PRIMARY:—July 19, 1880, the first primary in Preston (a children’s
organization) was organized with Jennie Wilcox, Julia Jensen, Lizzie
Shaffer and Maggie Porter as executive officers. (Mrs. Wilcox was known
to the children as the “Cookie Lady” and the children dearly loved her.
Her roomy apron pocket was frequently filled with cookies.) Another
primary organization was effected later on the east side of Worm Creek.
Julia Jensen, Betty Nisson, Nancy Lawrence and Ella Clayton were the
presiding officers. July 8, 1882, the first primary conference was held
in the school house. Members of the Cache Stake Primary board were
present. BOYS ORGANIZATION.—Known as the Deacons was organized December 6,
1879, with N. Boyd Porter, Joseph F. Sharp and Hyrum D. Jensen in charge
with William M. Millard as secretary. BRIGHAM YOUNG:—When our city of Preston was a baren waste, president
Brigham Young and company were going to Bear Lake to attend a
conference; he had the driver stop while he got out of the light spring
wagon near the present business center, placed his cane to the ground
and said, “There will be a great city built here.” PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH During the early years of the Preston settlement, a Presbyterian
Church was built. The people in the community with others donated to pay
for the erection. For a number of years services were held in this
church. The building is now owned by Mrs. Thomas Greaves located South
on First West. MEDICINE AND SURGERY It seems that different members of the human race at some time or
other have to be afflicted with bodily ills, hence the need for those
who minister to the physical needs of humanity during the early pioneer
days as well as in our day. Doctor Shipp of Salt Lake City, Utah was the first practicing
physician in Preston. He also opened up the first drug store in 1883,
the business was carried on in the building on South State, now
occupied by J. S. McCann’s Confectionery. Before Dr. Shipp came, Father
Lamoreaux showed very good skill setting broken bones and extracting
teeth. He also did much good among the sick. Kettle-strings and Montrose
were the next doctors after Dr. Shipp, then came Dr. Canfield who
remained as a practicing physician until his death in 1923. Drs. Allen R.
Cutler Sr. and G. W. States were also among the early physicians. DENTISTS:—The first regular dentists were Snowden, Bextrom, then Ray L. Davis. Nurses who attended the sick were: Mary A. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Garison, Christena Peterson, Mary Lund, Margaret Clayton, Rachel Porter,
Rosamond Green, Caroline Johnson and Fanny Swan who with that kind word
and sunny smile of hers was a great blessing to the community, along
with her daughter Fanny McQueen. BIRTHS AND DEATHS:—It will probably be interesting to our readers to
know that the first white child born on the flat west of Worm Creek was
Tessie Winn, daughter of Dennis Winn and Margaret. She was born August
3, 1869. First boy was Dennie E. Winn, son of Dennis A. and Emma, born
1871. Kate, daughter of Francis B. and Jennie Wilcox was the first child
born after the ward was organized. Peter Jensen was first born on east
side of Worm Creek. Dennis E. Winn, son of Dennis A. and Emma Winn, died in 1873, this
was the first death. The second death was that of Tessie Winn who died
in 1872. Both of these children were buried at Richmond, Utah. Ruth
Hollingsworth who died January 23, 1881 was the first person buried in
Preston. She was buried on the Hollingsworth homestead, her body was
later moved to the Sandhill cemetery. The first burials in the Sandhill
Cemetery, located South East of Preston was Gulban Halverson and John
Sharp. Rose Green Porter was the first person buried in the cemetery
north and east of town. MARRIAGES:—James N. Winn and Angeline Thomas were the first couple
married. They were married September 25, 1875 at Richmond, Utah. Their
home, however, before and after marriage was at Preston. The first
couple married on the flat were Henry Myers and Elizabeth Winn.Town
History Currently Under Construction
(Taken from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
ABOUT seven miles north of Preston lies the little towns of Riverdale, Falls and Battle Creek. Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Five, Township Fourteen South, Range Forty, East Boise Meridian. The boundary line extends as follows: south about two and one-half miles to Bear River; northeast along Bear River about one mile; thence south about three and one-half miles; west two and one-half miles; south one-half mile; west about three and one-half miles to Bear River; northeast along Bear River about one mile; north one and one-half miles; east one-half mile; north three miles to the Bannock County line; east three and one-half miles to the place of beginning; making a total circumference of about twenty-three miles and an area of about 18000 acres.
BEAR RIVER:—Bear River running in a southwesterly direction passes through the central and southern part of the precinct.
MOUNTAINS AND DALE:—On each side of the river is a dismembered range cf the Rocky mountains. The range on the north bordering directly on the river edge, while the range on the south forms a semi-circle making a dale of about 5000 acres in the southern part of the precinct.
WATER:—Practically all of the land of the dale and the flat north of the dale and river are under irrigation. The water for this purpose being obtained from four canals, namely: the Mink Creek, Riverdale and Preston Canal watering the land on the south and east. Riverdale-Preston Canal and Riverdale Canals watering most of the land in the bottom of the dale and the Twin Lakes Canal furnishing water for the flat north of the river.
LAND VALUATION.—The tillable land varies in valuation at the present time from about $250.00 per acre in the dale to about $100.00 per acre on the flat north of the river. The dry farm land at about $40.00 per acre and the pasture or untillable land at between $2.00 and $10.00 per acre.
CROPS:—The principal crops grown are: Wheat, oats, barley, alfalfa, peaches ,apricots, cherries, plums, watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables. Sugar beets are gaining a small foothold. The soil and climate being favorable, but due to there being no railroad for transportation, that industry is not as yet prominent.
RAINFALL:—The annual precipitation of rainfall is between 15 and 20 inches. It is therefore necessary to irrigate whenever possible to obtain good crops.
WARD ORGANIZATION:—The Riverdale ward was organized the 29th of November, 1882, with Peter Preece, Bishop. Walter M. Packer, First Counselor and Win. J. Pratt, Second Counselor.
SETTLEMENTS:—The names of the different settlements are: (1) Riverdale, which derived its name from its situation along Bear River between high bluffs. (2) Falls, derived its name from a fall in the river at that place, and Battle Creek from the battle that took place there.
FIRST BUILDING:—The first building in Riverdale was erected by Edmund Nelson in Falls, by Joseph Nelson in Riverdale. The first school house was erected in Riverdale in the Fall of 1882 by donation. Charlotte Keller was the first teacher. The first school house was erected in Falls in the Fall of 1883 by donation. Wm. Van Noy was the first teacher.
POST OFFICE:—The Riverdale post office was established on May 18th, 1880 George D. Davis, Post Master.
SUNDAY SCHOOL:—The first Sunday School was organized in the Fall of 1882, L. A. Mecham, Supt., Orson Neeley and Thomas Lyon, Assistant.
RELIEF SOCIETY:—The first Relief Society was organized on the 19th, of May 1883 with Margaret E. Mecham, President, Mary A.Preece, 1st. Counselor, Alice Pratt, 2nd, counselor, Eliza Mecham, secretary and Mary Lyons, treasurer. The Young Men’s Association was organized in 1882.
FIRST SETTLERS:—Were: Teed Keller, Hyrum Smith, Wm. Van Noy, Wm. G. Nelson, Wilson, Wilson Robins, George Davis and Edmund Nelson. They were pioneers seeking for homes and settled here in 1880.
BOATS:—Boats were used for transportation across Bear River where the river was too deep to ford; until 1898.
SQUATTERS RIGHTS.—Jos. Nelson settled what is now known as the Eli E. Forsgren, James Barrington and Wm. G. Nelson places under the Squatters Right.
MAIL.—Jos. Stone was the Mail Carrier. He began work Oct. 9th, 1878 and continued for fourteen years.
MUSIC:—The music used for -dancing and entertainments was chiefly the violin and accordian.
SWEETS:—Sugar cane was the main source of getting molasses which took the place of sugar to a great extent and was also used for making candy.
(Taken from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
Over the Bear River Highway north of Preston in the midst of a successful alfalfa and stock ranching district will be found Treasureton, with a population of 300.
In the fall of 1868, Wilson Robbins, Niels Georgeson and Soren Hanson from Weston settled on the east bank of Battle Creek—the place in now owned by David Sant. Nathan Smith and George Sant with their families moved from Smithfield, Utah in 1871 and settled on the west bench of Battle Creek on the farm now owned by D. P. Thomas. After living there one year, they moved a few miles west and settled on the farms owned by the Geddes Brothers in the section known as Banida. Further south on the Creek, two French Canadians Mr. Shaw and Peter Rasalle settled. These men later sold out to Alfred Rosciot, another French Canadian.
In 1872, Niels Georgeson and Soren Hanson moved back to Weston, and Wilson Robbins mover further north into the place now owned by Dell Hymas; however the original place was abandoned in July 1875. George Sant bought the old Robbins place and in the fall of 1875, Wilson Robbins went to Franklin and part of George Sant’s family moved into his place to care for his stock.
The winter of 1876 was a very sever one. After Christmas there was no travel with teams. In 1874, the terminus of the Utah-Northern Railroad was at Franklin, and James and Fred Atkinson, brothers, got the contract to carry the mail once a week to Soda Springs from Franklin. They did not have much trouble until about Christmas. They could get their horses as far as Rosciot’s place, from whence they could use snow shoes the rest of the way. When they could not ford the river they had to go around by the Packer Bridge. For that reason it often took them an extra week to make the trip.
In the fall of 1875, William Treasure and family moved from Smithfield and settled on the hill near where the old creamery stands, and they too had to endure that hard winter. There was so much snow that the few people that lived in Gentile Valley were completely shut out as their only mode of travel was by means of snow shoes—the long narrow kind. On account of the hard winter the hay got scarce but the south side of the hill where the snow had blown off there was a great deal of dried grass, and in March and April the stock were driven over the crust on to the bare hills. It took men, women and children to help get them on to their feet. Mr. Robbins had 150 head, George Sant and Mr. Treasure had some also, but all had to be helped up when every they would lie down. On the first day of April 1876, George Sant Jr. measured the snow in the lane just north of where the meetinghouse now stands, and it was exactly two feet deep. The weather did break up until the latter part of April. There are a few still living that will never forget that winter.
Spring came at last, however, and two more settlers came; John Millington who settled on the Rosel Taylor place and Charles Williams settled where Charles Shumway now resides.
In the summer of 1878, the Utah Northern R.R. extended its line. The terminus was just on the north side of the Nathan Smith farm where a town of tents and lumber houses sprang up as if by magic. The town was called Dunnville in honor of one of the railroad officials. It was a very busy railroad camp; there were stores, boarding houses, saloons, blacksmith shops, and everything that goes to make a thriving town. All freight for Montana was loaded there, and made a very fine market for butter, eggs, cheese and vegetables, for the short time the terminus was here.
T. Morrison, one of the first settlers, applied for, and got the contract to carry mail from Dunnville, to Soda Springs. William H. Homer was the sheriff of Oneida County at that time the people who were living on Battle Creek, made application through him to get them a post office, this was granted, and as William Treasure lived on the main road from Dunnville up through Gentile Valley, he was appointed post master, and sheriff Homer gave the place the name of Treasureton.
When the place was first settled, it belonged to Clifton Ward, but as a few more settlers came in, George Sant Sr. was made presiding elder. After a time the ward was organized and Benjamin Hymas was the first bishop.
(Taken from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
LOCATED in the Southeast corner of Franklin County is the busy little town of Weston, the center of a fine dry and irrigated farming section; sugar beet and dairying district. By reason of its being the first settlement over the river on the -west side of Cache Valley, it was first called Westtown and later the name was shortened to Weston.
COLONIZATION:—This town was first settled in the year 1865 by fifteen families who crossed the Bear river, April 15, on the ice. They were: Christopher Funk, Hans Funk, Wilson Robbins, Nels Georgesen, Warner Hoopes, Samuel Rogers, Carl Nelson, Hans Kofoed, Soren Hansen, Rasmus Nelson, Anton Jensen, J. C. Jensen, J. C. Nelson, John Maughan, and Mathew Fifield.
This small group of pioneers were attracted to this part of Cache Valley because of having heard that the prospects here were favorble for good crops, as the soil was very good, and the stream of water running through the meadows inspired them as homeseekers to venture upon a permanent settlement. The beautiful canyon on the Northwest with the high mountains in the background was also an inspiration to the pioneers who were a nature loving people.
At that time the part of the land which looked the best to the homeseekers was the meadows surrounding Weston Creek, now known as Cedarville, and as such, they settled on the north side of the creek about three miles west of the present location of the town of Weston.
The first homes that were built were mostly “dugouts” with a few logs for support and dirt roofs. The crops raised the first year were destroyed by the crickets, which of course, meant frugal living for the pioneers. However, in spite of crop failures, discouragements and threatening starvation, they continued to farm the land. During the early summer of 1866 just as the crops were beginning to grow fairly well, the troublesome Indians made it necessary for the settlers to leave their land and move over to the east side of the valley. Some of them came back to their new homes in the fall of the year and harvested their crops which were left, then spent the winter on the east side. The Indians were so hostile that none of the settlers ventured to winter on the farms.
Before they had been driven off by the Indians, the settlers organized their group, appointing Christopher Funk leader, thus he became the first bishop.
In the spring of 1867, the settlers again returned to Weston, and having explored the land now known as the South Fields, they decided to change the town site and as such the present town of Weston was settled. This seemed more central as it would give them a better opportunity to farm the fields along Weston Creek in Cedarvill district as well as the South Fields along the west side of Bear River. From this time on a more permanent settlement was established. They built their log houses in the form of a fort to protect themselves from the Indians.
At this new location, John Maughan was appointed as acting bishop and he had charge of the distribution of the land which was allotted in small tracts to each of the settlers using what was known as the “Squatters'” right. In the early seventies the people commenced taking up land under the homestead act.
Among some of the next settlers who -came after the original fifteen families were: John Clarke, Henry Gassman, Samuel Peterson, Axel Lundquist, Joseph Coburn Sr., John Coburn, Sr., William Coburn, John H. Campbell, Chris Lund, Lars Petersen, Lars Fredricksen, Henry McCullock and William Heusser, all of whom came before 1890.
IRRIGATION: Water for all purposes was diverted from the Weston Creek in small ditches. The first ditch for irrigation purposes was opened up in 1865 and is still being used, having been improved and enlarged. It is known as ditch Number One. The first reservoir used for storing irrigation water was built in the early eighties.
CROPS—The crops grown by the early settlers were wheat, potatoes and corn. Because of the crickets and grasshoppers destroying most of the crops several years in succession, the men folks had to seek work in other places in order to get the absolute necessities for their families. This worked a real hardship on the women who had to take care of the work at home and contend with the fear of attack by the prowling Indians. Nevertheless, being of the stern quality which our pioneers everywhere displayed, they stuck to it and made progress as best they could.
SCHOOL AND CHURCH—Public accommodations were very poor for mny years, but as the pioneers were accustomed to hardships and difficulties, they were cheerfully looking for improvements and took advantage of every opportunity. The first school house was located on what is now known as Peter Mickelson’s corner on the southeast corner of block two. This log cabin was built in 1868 by John Maughan who also owned it. There were five pupils enrolled at first with William Dee, as teacher. Other early teachers were John H. Clarke, Samuel Preston, Sera Jensen and Ellen Ricks. This so called school house was really the meeting house and was used not only for religious purposes and school but also as an amusement hall. The logs from which it was built were hauled from “Clifton Basin.”
BUSINESS—The first business building in Weston was a log room owned by John Maughan and was under the same roof as his dwelling. The merchants were John Maughan and Wilson Robbins—other early merchants were John H. Clarke and Otto Gassman. The first Blacksmith shop was owned and operated by Ferdinand Fredricksen, who was also the village fiddler for a number of years. (He was a very industrious man and a very dear friend to all the young people, who, when they wanted to dance gathered together a few pounds of wheat and give it to Mr. Fredricksen to pay for his playing for them. Very often he played for nothing as the people had nothing with which to pay him.)
In 1867 a man by the name of James Mack, built the first flour mill on the Weston Creek, south of the present location of the town. His father was the miller. The mill was built of rock, where the grain was ground between two hewed stones, the lower stone remaining stationary whislt the top stone turned around on top of it. This process made it possible to grind wheat, corn and other grains suitable for human food.
MAIL—In the early seventies a mail route was established by stage from Logan, Utah—this stage came twice a week. As this route was long and over a territory that was almost devoid of any kind of road, the mail service was not very dependable. The people were most jubilant when in 1890, the first railroad was constructed on the west side of the river, affording them a more regular mail and travel service.
The men who served the town as postmasters were John Mauhan, John G. Clarke, Wm. Preston, Thomas Preston, and William Chatterton at present N. S. Hansen is the postmaster.
MEDICAL SERVICE—During the early years, the people had to go to Logan, Utah for medical aid as there was no doctor or drug store closer. The practicing nurse at Weston, Precilla Hoopes, was very much appreciated as she rendered a helping hand in many cases of sickness. She had the privilege of receiving the first white child born in the first settlement of Weston—John A. Kofoed, born February 19, 1867 (now Franklin County Recorder). Lorenzo Ribbins and Peter D. Maughan were also among the first babies born on the present site of Weston.
CEMETERY—The cemetery was laid in the northwest corner of the town in 1867 by Bishop John Maughan. The first body burried there was that of Niels Oliver Georgensen.
CHURCH ORGANIZATION—The first Sunday School was organized in 1867 with Loren Jensen appointed to act as superintendent. A complete organization of the Church auxiliaries has been effected since, about the year 1884, giving.equal opportunity to all. The name of the bishops who have served the community are: Christopher Funk 1865-1867, John Maughan 1867-1876, Otto Gassman, 1899-1908.
MISCELLANEOUS—The pioneers of this section did their share of road and bridge building. The first wagon road was built from Weston to the Packer Bridge through the Franklin Meadows then over the flat now Preston to the town of Franklin.
Among the outstanding characters born and reared in Weston are: Parley P. Christiansen, Candidate for President of the United States on the Progressive ticket—1920; James Dawson, who went from home to home seeking back histories and genealogies and compiling the same. Thomas Preston, who has served the state as state representative for six terms during the last twenty-five years.
Other progressive and prominent men are: Thomas E. Rose, Peter D. Maughan, C. W. Lindquist and Henry Simpson—Mr. Simpson served as County Superintendent of schools for eight years in the old Oneida County.
Weston is today noted for its beautiful shrubbery display due partly to the fact that some of the industrious pioneers engaged in tree planting among them were Hyrum Rose, A. A. Allen and M. P. Fifield. The first trees were planted in 1881 on the Northeast side of town where Albert Jensen now resides.
A beautiful up to date church was erected on the public square thirty years ago. During the year 1928, the building was remodeled under the direction of Bishop Thomas E. Rose making it a most convenient and attractive church.
The best equipped high school in Franklin County is in Weston It is a most excellent building on the east side of town, overlooking Cache Valley. The grounds have been made very beautiful and attractive during the last few years. The high school was first established in 1900 by George D. Casto when two years of high school work was carried on in the grade school building.
In 1922, the Weston High School basket ball team, under the direction of Principal A. P. Anderson and Ivan Decker, coach, were successful in winning the Inter-mountain Championship. A year later they went to Chicago and lost to the National team by three points, the members of the team were Glen Gassman, Rulan Gassman, Leo Olsen, Ernest Olsen, Rufus Merrill, Riley Nelson and Lester Kofoed. Their victory speaks for the very clean life of their stalwart pioneer ancesters.
The best business establishment in Weston today is the Preston Brothers Co. General Merchandise managed by Thomas Preston; the company has been in existence for forty years—it was first managed by Samuel Preston, later Wm. Preston. Other business concerns are the C. W. Lundquist grocery store and meat market, Henry Simpson Drug Store, Paul Hansen’s confectionery and O. P. Skagg’s flour mill.
Weston has come to the front rapidly, now having a population of 1000 along with its two fine schools and modern merchantile establishments. More wheat is grown and shipped out of the Weston district annually than from any other area in the country.
(Taken from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)
Just midway between Franklin and Preston on the Yellowstone Park Highway is the town of Whitney, which has a population of about three hundred and fifty. This town like many others had a very humble beginning. It was customary for people who came to Franklin as settlers to be given an allotment of hay or grain lands. When Isaac Nash, James Hebdron, George and Alfred Hensen, E. Nelson, Peter Pool, Dickey Colter, William Handy, John and Nephi Comish and William Rogers came to Franklin they were each given five acres in the section now known as Whitney.
This was really the beginning of Land ownership in this section of the country.
At that time the Indians were very troublesome, so much so that the men were advised to work in groups and never without their firearms.
It must have been an interesting sight in the late summer to Bee a large group going with their wagons and oxen, scythe and home made rakes to harvest this precious hay.
Those who really wanted to keep their hay lands had to build homes in order to protect their holdings because of an influx of cattle and sheep. In the spring of 1869, Ephriam Ellsworth and William Handy each built a cabin on their claims. (One of Mr. Handy's daughters still lives on the old homestead.) That same summer, James Chadwick and R. M. Hull formed a partnership and bought out some of the above named hay land claims and built them each a home. The next year William Head built a log cabin for his wife Sarah E. The Franklin County Sugar Company is built on part of this claim. In 1876, this land claim of 160 acres was sold for a big grey riding horse and a little money.
Thomas Bennett and his son William each built themselves a log house in 1870. Others, including the Joseph and George Foster Families, followed until there was quite a little colony of settlers.
From the time the railroad came through 1878 until the place was given the name of Whitney, It was known as "Hulls' Crossing."
Some of these early settlers used their rights as first locators and claimed a share in the Worm and Spring Creeks. From these streams, they brought early spring water to irrigate their lands.
A ditch company was organized in 1881, the members of which worked together to bring water from the Cub River. This company joined in with Harrison Thomas.
This early pioneer group had many difficulties which were most trying. On account of the roads being impossible to travel most of the year, the men folks would ride horse back to Franklin for their meetings. The women and children would remain at home and keep the range cattle back from their growing crop. It was almost Impossible to fence against the half-wild Texan cattle that freely roamed over this country. Many interesting stories are told concerning encounters with these cattle and their enormously long horns. At one time a pioneer woman went in search of her own cattle and while searching for them, a herd of these cattle completely surrounded her and were making ready to charge just as she threw her full gathered apron up over her head and caused the animals to race away in a wild stampede.
Some so-called white men were more trouble than either the Indians or wild cattle.
A number of men, headed by a notorious outlaw leader, Bob Tarter would help themselves to the settlers horses and cattle, drive them to Corinne, Utah and from that point ship them East and West. Occasionally the band of thieves would drive cattle up into Montana, where they sold them for a good price.
The outlaws not only took the cattle, but they were so bold as to kill the animals in the vicinity and take the beef to the homes of the owners and offer it for sale.
The settlers were quite sure, or at least suspected who the marauder’s were but were afraid to say or do anything about it because members of the robber band would not hesitate to kill anyone who interfered with them.
George Sharp te11s us that his brother Orson was one of the men sent up here by the United States officers from Salt Lake City to run down the cattle thieves. However he was killed by a member of the gang as he traveled with them along the Portnuef River. It seems that he got in with the band somehow and had planned to get some evidence against them, but they got him first; his body was never found. Hen Holt was also treated in the same manner. He was buried in the vicinity of Preston.
When the railroad was later built and passed through Whitney, the people were very much annoyed by tramps and hoboes of all kinds, as many as fifty would pass thru in one day.
Probably one of the most exciting experiences was with a band of thirty Chinese tramps that came up the track near Hull's. There were just Ann Hull, her friend and some children at home when the Chinamen were seen. These children hastened to lock all doors as a temporary protection at least. The cellar door however, was not locked; the Chinese just walked into the cellar and helped themselves to the milk, cream and eggs, they also killed some chickens after which they proceeded to make a bonfire in the yard and prepare their midday meal. In the meantime, while the Chinamen were busy on the south side of the house, Ann put her brother out through the North window and sent him post haste to get help from the neighbors.
It was not long before Ephraim Ellsworth, a neighbor, appeared with a black whip, as soon as the Chinamen saw him; they began to shout, "Me go! Me go!"
The tramps were mostly unemployed men who were seeking work.
The trains were a determinant as well as a help to the community. Frequently, grass fires were caused through ignition from sparks, which poured from the chimneys of those old-style locomotives. The women and children would watch the fields along the train route and put out the fires as soon as they were started, whenever it was possible. They fought the fires with willows and sacks were used as beaters. Sometimes a fire would get a start of them and many of the willow fences were destroyed as well as the summer hay crop.
Alfalfa was not cultivated during those first few years; the settlers depended on the native grasses as food for the animals until after 1880.
First Grain: If you were looking down from Rattle Snake Point, could you, dear reader, in your imagination picture one little patch of about ten acres of green grain, growing inside of a frame of sage brush and dry native grasses, if you could, you would have seen the only green patch which had been planted by R. M. Hull. This lonely grain patch was growing on present farm of Roy Tanners, during the summer of 1873. This place of 160 acres was bought in 1872 from Martin Higley for a span of Mules.
Other Produce: There was an abundance of butter and cheese produced, the butter brought an average of fifteen cents per pound during the year and eggs brought about ten cents a dozen in exchange for merchandise.
Occasionally a merchant could be induced to pay a little money in exchange for produce to buy postage stamps with.
During the summer time, the people had to take care of their produce the best that they could because the store refused to take it. Soap was made from the surplus butter.
When the roads were too bad for horse or wagon travel, the people would often walk to Franklin and carry huge buckets of butter in exchange for store goods. However, at other times when they could ride, the ever present knitting needles clicked merrily together as if they were trying to keep time with the turning and squeaking of the wagon wheels. It was impossible to buy hose ready made at that time so we can readily see why the women had to keep the knitting needles so busily clicking.
Much sugar cane was grown and molasses by the hundreds of gallons was made by Samuel Clark and others.
Foods: The people had plenty of cattle, pigs and chickens to furnish their meats; their problem was what to do for fruits and vegetables.
Each fall, some of the men would go to other towns to get: some dried fruit and molasses. Serviceberries were gathered and dried or boiled and stored away in five-gallon jars without sugar but sweetened with a little molasses. Wild gooseberries and currants were oared for in a similar manner. Fortunate indeed was the family that had a good supply of this fruit to give the variety necessary for the winter diet. Native currants were sometimes obtained in Franklin but these were a real luxury.
It was possible in the spring of the year to get rhubarb at some of the homes in Franklin. One pioneer woman tells us that she has many times walked from Whitney to Franklin and back to get some of the treasured rhubarb. It was such a treat that the mother would clean even the large veins in the leaves and cook them. The children were so hungry for something green or fruity, that they would chew what was left of the leaf and spit out the pulp when all of the juice was extracted.
Later corn and melons were successfully grown in the gardens be1ow the Thomas ditches.
Recreation: The settlers were tried almost beyond endurance with cattle thieves, droughts and grasshoppers, but the most of them proved to be men and women of great strength and endurance so much so that they stayed with their land possessions. However, they were just human enough to welcome every little ray of sunshine, which came in the form of a diversion or amusement of any kind.
A ray of sunshine, which they appreciated very much, came once in a great while, when the Mormon missionaries would hold meetings in the homes of the people.
At one time there was one man brave enough to bring a lantern slide into the community. The lanternslide was shown in the log house of Wm. Bennett and the entire community was present. Each one gladly paid his ten cents, the price of admission.
When the people were baptized into the "United Order" in 1878, there was a great celebration and feasting. Many came to be baptized in the pool, which had been formed by building a dam across Spring Creek the night before the baptismal ceremonies.
A beef was killed for the occasion and many were put early to greet the authorities that came from Franklin to take part on this wonderful occasion.
Many people came from great distances among them David Jensen who was one of the acting officials during the baptismal ceremonies.
Special programs and all day celebrations were some of the other diversions.
This generation seems to be such a busy, restless group that we are wondering what would happen if a group of modern people were expected to sit still and listen to a program as lengthily as the one following which consists of forty-three (43) numbers presented at a Fourth of July program in 1889.
Orator of the Day, George T. Benson, Sr.; Chaplain, Bishop James Chadwick, Sr.; Singing, Choir; Prayer, Chaplain; Singing, Choir; Address of Welcome, Alvin Hull and Pearl Weaver; Speech (5 minutes) Wesley Beckstead; Song, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Weaver; Reading, J. Rallison; Recitation, Eva Holden; Speech (5 minutes) Herbert Rallison; Accordian Music, Amasa Beckstead; Song, Presidency of Primary Organization; Negro Story, E. R. Lawrence; German Song, Mr. and Mrs. Eulgster; Dialogue, Amy, Elise, Mary and Lela; Recitation, Sarah Lawrence; Song, Nephi McLeary; Recitation, Rudolph Dursteller; Speech (10 minutes), Louise Benson; Song, Mr. and Mrs. John Holden; Speech, Grandpa Ashton; Recitation, Hattie Greaves; Song, Sunday School; Song, Abbie Lundegren; Speech, A. H. Head; Song, Joseph S. Wright; Story, Joseph Dunkley Sr.; Stump Speech, Andrew Beckstead; Recitation, Frank T. Benson; Song, Samuel Clark; Speech, William Handy; 'Step Dance, Elton Beckstead; Reading, George Foster; Recitation, Arthur Chadwick; Dialogue, R. M. Hull Jr., Albert Chadwick and Serge Bensoll; Song, Joseph Beckstead; Recitation, Jennie Weaver; Speech (five minutes), R. M. Hull, Sr.; Mouth Organ Music, Riley Clark and Joe Beckstead; Reading. Catherine Winwarn; Song, Bishop Chadwick and G. T. Benson; Recitation, Serge Benson; Song. Fred Rallison; Speech (5 minutes) James Hebdon; Dialogue, Sarah and Kittie Dunkley; Song, Lizzie Beckstead.
Eight dozen were donated, eggs selling at thirteen cents; a dozen were donated by the people to pay for the prizes offered to the children who took part in the sports. Three dollars worth of scrip was also donated: this scrip served as an exchange for "store goods."
The title of the first play produced in the "School House." was "He was Never Known to Smile." Fred Olsen and Elise Benson took the leading 'parts.
Other amusements and forms of recreation were similar to those described in a part of the history of Franklin.
The first Primary was organized May 8, 1885 with Sarah .T. Clayton appointed to act as president, Elizabeth Eardly and Annie Hull as Counselors.
Sunday School was organized July 8, 1888 with Joseph S. Sharp as superintendent and Joshua Rallison Secretary.
The Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association was organized in 1888. Herbert Rallison as president, Gaston Brawley and Jasper Head as counselors, and Arthur Chadwick as secretary.
The Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association was organized February 17, 1889. Mary A. Weaver was appointed to act as president with the two counselors, Hannah P. Head and Gretta Hull. Elise Benson and Amy Chadwick were secretary and treasurer. At this time this district belonged to the Preston ward.
Just before the L.D.S. ward organization was effected, some of the leading men of the community met at the home of J.A. Head, finally Mr. Head offered the name of Whitney which was accepted in honor of Orsen F. Whitney, now an Apostle in the L. D. S. church.
The organization of the Whitney ward effected June 9, 1889, with James Chadwick as Bishop. George T. Benson first Counselor, Joseph S. Wright second counselor and Herbert Rallison as Clerk.
BIRTHS AND MARRIAGES: Among the first births in this districts were: Drusilla, daughter of William and Ester Booth Bell, born November 7, 1873; Charles Bell Jr., born September 1874; Pleasant Williams Bell born December 1875; Sadie Ellsworth born January 13, 1976, daughter of Ephriam and Elizabeth Ellsworth.
The first births after the ward was organized were Lester Dunkley and Ruby Chadwick.
Charles Morris Bell and Jane Panton were the first people married; they were married December 11, 1873.
Rudolph Dursteller and Maria Bauman were the first ones married after the ward was organized.
MISSIONARIES: Joseph S. Wright and Andrew Beckstead were the first male missionaries sent out from Whitney; they both served as missionaries in Europe.
The first lady missionaries were: Martha H. Dunkley and Florence Benson. James Chadwick was the first public officer.
SCHOOLS: The people built a district schoolhouse in 1884. It is the north part of the present home of F. W. Rallison. Annie Hull was the first teacher in this school. She held a first grade certificate and was paid just fifteen dollars ($15.00) a month. The county officials at Malad had charge of the school and paid Miss Hull's salary.
Florence Holland, a Logan girl, recently from England, taught the girls domestic arts along with all the other subjects.
Other teachers were: Annie Hopkins, who married Henry Lamoreaux; Mary Flack, another teacher, taught for $35.00 per month and quit because the school board would not pay her forty dollars ($40.00) a month. Geo. E. Crockett also taught in 1889-90.
HIGHWAY: The first stagecoach road or highway ran almost in a direct line from the point of "Little Mountain" to the present site of the Franklin County Sugar Factory. It crossed the Worm Creek at the present south crossing, then passed on up over the old "Oregon Montana Trail" which is now marked by the railroad. When people began to build their fences, that placed the road east and it crossed Spring Creek near L. H. Ballif's store.
Railroad: One of the outstanding events in the history was the building of a narrow gauge railroad. In the fall of 1877 the road was completed as far as Spring Creek, coming, by the way of Franklin. By January 1878, the Spring and Worm Creek bridges were completed. Early in the spring the road was built on over the flat, now Preston.
In 1876 a railroad grade was built on the east side of Whitney. It ran north from Buttermilk Curve (Now Nashville) as far as the Bear River Narrows. Engineers found it to be too expensive to build through that way so made a new route, which is followed by the present railroad system.
While the railroad was under construction, Jay Gould, the great financier and Mr. Huntington visited this locality, they were seen picking up loose spikes and bolts along the track, early in the morning. When asked about it, Jay Gould said, "That is the way we have laid our foundation of great enterprise."
BUSINESS: The first, business establishment was the Equitable Co-op in 1887, located near the present site of the Pea Vinery. The Co-op was built and owned by a group of men who finally had to sell it at a great sacrifice because of so many bad, outstanding debts. Different parties owned it until finally it was burned down.
In the northeast corner of this store was a flourishing shoe mending department supervised by Nephi McLeary. Mr. McLeary mended shoes six days of the week then lead the choir on Sunday. A blacksmith shop was owned and operated by Joseph Simons it was located near the Pea Vinery.
During the years of 1888-89 J. W. Windward sold all kinds of farming implements for the George A. Lowe Company.
The first postmaster was Albert Chadwick with his sister Amy who acted as assistant. Sometime later the post office was taken care of in the Equitable Co-op Store.
Joseph Simons hauled the first load of rock for the construction of the rock-meeting house in 1891.
Whitney has some very productive farming land, most of which is used for sugar beets. The Franklin County Sugar Factory, which takes care of the beets, is located here.
In comparison to the present methods of handling sugar beets, it might be interesting to relate the way in which the first beets that were grown in Franklin County were handled. They were planted in the spring of 1899; the tool for thinning was an iron from an old wagon box, bent and sharpened. They were gone over four different times before they were thinned satisfactorily. Cultivation was with a hand pushed cultivator, and the topping was done with a butcher knife. A shovel or hand plow was used for digging them.
The first crop was loaded on a flat car, which held fifteen tons; the grower and agent estimated the weight. They were shipped to Weber County, Utah, to the Amalgamated Sugar Co. and the price paid was $4.25 per ton. The first car shipped out was grown by John A. Dunkley.
A Pea Vinery was built here in 1926.
This community has a very fine modern school building and gymnasium, which were erected in 1924.
As transportation, the people of the town are served by the bus lines and Oregon Short Line Railroad.
. Generally speaking, the great aim of the parents in this community has always been to give their children the best educational opportunities available. Out of this ward have come many leaders, doctors, lawyers, churchmen and statesmen who have made renowned successes in their chosen fields of activities.
Russell Maughan, the "Dawn to Dusk" flyer received his agricultural training in this little town of Whitney.
Much of its well-known musical talent had its foundation in the early ward choir, which won first place in a choir contest, including all of Cache Valley. Elsie B. Alder was the choir leader and she was assisted by a round twenty other talented singers. Riley Clark was assistant chorister and John A. Dunkley was president of the choir.
The people here get behind public enterprises, knowing that cooperation is necessary for the development of community welfare.
(Taken from THE TRAILBLAZER published 1930)